Growing Leadership Agility – Intent & Understanding To Avoid Agile Transformation Failure
Whatever transformation a business is after, chances are high, it will fail due to lack of a cultural fit and respective management support. In this session you will learn about the keys, you can directly pursue yourself, for successfully fostering any organizational transformation. It is about intent, awareness and the emphasize on leadership agility. Experience via a validated and concise approach together with hands-on cases, what it takes to thrive in transformation without excuse for change not to stick.
Target Audience: Line Management & Leaders from any hierarchical level, Change Agents, Coaches
Prerequisites: Involved with or inspired by organizational transformation
Level: Introductory
Extended Abstract
This session builds upon our own ongoing practice on business (e.g. agile) transformation and solid research, grounded in the work of Bill Joiner, Stephen Josephs and Cambria Consulting on the notion of “leadership agility”. The helpful approach here is, that there is no black-/white thinking on what good or bad leadership is – neither there is an emphasize on “agile”, but rather on “agility”, which tends towards a personal capacity, contributing to the capacity of a whole system. Leadership agility here is just a sort of elasticity to coherently act and make more effective decisions under high degrees of uncertainty.
This whole session builds the bridge from clarity, personal intent, awareness and understanding, towards a sensitive approach for changing an existing system.
Via the trigger of unmet needs (drivers, leading to transformation efforts), we elaborate the importance of an inside-out approach for change other than a conflicting outside-in strategy, which very often triggers cultural mismatch and struggle with existing structures, policies and performance related beliefs of the existing system. We can show, how inside-out transformation efforts lead to alignment and an option for consciously nurturing espoused cultural values.
Building upon such an appropriate inside-out transformation approach, we refer to typical value systems of specific core cultures to consider, in order to understand which concrete organizational elements to work upon, fostered by leaders and change agents of any organization.
From there we introduce the leadership agility concept as a natural process for progressing as a leader in adult development stages (such as expert, achiever and catalyst). We demonstrate via hands-on examples, how intent, awareness and self-development help growing the personal capacity (cognitive and emotional), the elasticity for making decisions under high uncertainty, together with catalyst behavior, contributing to a leadership system, which enables organizational growth.
As a closure element we point to personal responsibility via the responsibility process (Christopher Avery), showing how intent, awareness and confrontation are vital to get beyond plain excuses for change challenges, which go hand in hand with any organizational transformation.