Thank you very much for a fantastic OOP 2020!
Be there again next year and already save the date:
OOP 2021: 08. - 12. February 2021
We are already looking forward to welcoming you again in Munich!

The OOP is the conference for software architecture. In 2021 we offer you among other things:
› More than 35 English sessions
› 13 topics
› Up to 9 parallel tracks
› Many social events
› Workshops
› Graphic Recordings
› Highest level of education

An independent program committee selects the presentations after a detailed examination and decides which speakers and topics are included in the program.
Look forward to new tracks as well as all-time favorites. From Artificial Intelligence to Web-Apps - you will find exactly the sessions that meet your requirements!
Browse our picture gallery of the conference and discover the highlights of previous years!
» Picture Gallery
Top-class Keynotes and international renowned speakers - that's what OOP is famous for, as it offers a mixture of deep content and a wide thematic spectrum!
Take a look back at our program of 2020 with Kevlin Henney, Hannah Fry, Cat Swetel and many more!
» Overview of all speakers
Use our hashtag #OOPmuc for your tweets and connect with other participants. Follow @oop_conference for updates regarding the conference!