Engaged Strategy Development Using Liberating Structures
As an (enterprise) architect, you develop strategies to help the organisation become more successful and stay ahead. How will the organisation as a whole work and grow? Your work is all about strategy!
And how often do you face resistance to new ideas? Or are strategic decisions in your company implemented top-down, which is rather inconvenient for something as complex as strategy?
This session will show you the value of Liberating Structures hands-on, also aiming to involve and engage everyone in strategy work everywhere in the organisation.
Target Audience: Enteprise Architects, Managers, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: None
Level: Introductory
Extended Abstract
The session will show you – involve you – how to engage everyone in strategy development (instead of strategy being something pushed down from the top). This is a hands-on session. It uses the ‘probe-sense-respond’ pattern of Cynefin to tap into everyone's experience, intelligence and creativity.