Software Is Eating The World – Even Our Jobs?
Digitalization will fundamentally change our working world. Many jobs will be killed because Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning can – in combination with Advanced Robotics and modern Human Machine Interaction technologies – execute working tasks reliably and economically that in the past were hardly automatable. New jobs will arise but require different skillsets than the ones that disappeared.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Leader, Manager, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Digitalization technologies
Level: Practicing
Extended Abstract
Digitalization technologies are also increasingly used in software engineering. For example, generative design can create and compare many design or refactoring options in a short timeframe; data analytics can help identifying root causes of bugs and even suggest actionable code changes. Will Digitalization thus have a similar effect on our jobs as in other areas? Leading to a world where software engineering is automated to a degree that requires fewer people who also perform different tasks than today? Or is the use of data analytics, artificial intelligence and other digitalization technologies in software engineering just supporting us by taking over boring tasks while leaving the creative activities still to us? Let’s explore.