Agile Requirements Engineering
This tutorial introduces to agile requirements engineering. It offers many practical examples from our industry projects when introducing agility. The training considers the IREB agile RE primer curriculum, however with more practical focus from many agile projects across industries. Participants are eligible to IREB certification. We give practical tips for designing agile requirements processes. In a case study, we present experiences and benefits of agile requirements engineering in a medical technology project with Siemens.
Target Audience: Architects, Analysts, Requirements Engineers, Product Owners, Software Engineers, Agile Teams
Prerequisites: Project-Management
Level: Practicing
Extended Abstract
Agile projects need tailored requirements engineering. Innovations in increasingly complex systems under cost pressure and in global competition call for consistent orientation towards value and costs. This begins with the requirements, which are no longer "collected" but must be developed in a targeted manner with suitable interest groups. Requirements are not frozen at an early stage, but must be flexibly addressed throughout the project and product. However, agile requirements engineering is difficult to implement, especially in critical systems because of complex dependencies, growing quality requirements and diverse coordination processes. Simply leaving some requirements aside when time and budget are no longer sufficient does not work in critical systems. Design thinking and team-based decision-making are interesting, but hardly scale in larger industrial projects. Describing requirements vaguely and hoping that they become clear in the course of the project has already ruined many projects. Agile requirements engineering in critical and compliant context must combine the needs of classic requirements engineering with the flexibility of agile action.
This tutorial introduces to agile requirements engineering. It offers many practical examples from our industry projects when introducing agility. The training considers the IREB agile RE primer curriculum, however with more practical focus from many agile projects across industries. Participants are eligible to IREB certification. We give practical tips for designing agile requirements processes.
This begins with a value-oriented elaboration of the actual need. Then we look at techniques like Design Thinking, Kanban etc. As an agile developer or project manager, learn how to achieve systematic requirements engineering and a clear definition of requirements in a lean and reliable quality. As a successful requirements engineer or system analyst, learn how to use the techniques, methods and processes of requirements engineering in an agile context. In a case study, we present experiences and benefits of agile requirements engineering in a medical technology project with Siemens. In particular, we use concrete examples and industry experience to show how agile requirements engineering is implemented in practice. This allowed us to reduce the costs for reworking by about 30%. The experience gained can be transferred to other projects and environments.
- Requirements Engineering and Agile Methods (Objective, Overview and Methodology, Terms, Industrial Benchmarks)
- Elicit, document, analyze, verify, negotiate and manage requirements in agile projects
- Planning with the backlog as an essential management concept
- Requirements artifacts and documentation of requirements to balance between governance and agility
- Traps when applying requirements engineering in agile projects
- Requirements engineering as part of the continuous development process
- Role of the requirements engineer in the agile environment and communication in agile teams
- Concrete implementation and best practices (Vector experiences and guidance for improving your own requirements engineering, tool support)
- Practical questions of the participants