
Tania Peitzker
AI Bots as a Service / AI BaaS UG
CEO & Head of Strategic CX Sales & CogX Marketing
Dr. Tania Peitzker is the co-owner of Munich headquartered AI Bots as a Service, a Mixed Reality tech venture for 2D and 3D bespoke avatars in Grünwald. She has been a keynote speaker at CeBIT in Hannover, the London Mayor’s Tech Week, Bot World/Apps World, the New Yorker UTTR Chatbots, the CXtech & AI Robotics Conference in London as well as livestreamed bots to the Applied Machine Learning Days at the EPFL in Switzerland and to her Guest Lectures at Cambridge Judge Business School.
Ranked by San Francisco's crunchbase #1 - #3 for numerous global & pan-European AI & Digital Marketing categories, Tania is an Australian-German technologist who enjoyed a Brandenburg Government Scholarship to do her PhD in Anglistik & Kulturwissenschaften at the University of Potsdam. She's since become an Adjunct Professor for AI management at several renowned universities and business schools in France, Germany and Switzerland.
In 2020, Tania will be running courses based on her world first, definitive textbook on the subject "Uses & Risks of Business Chatbots, Checklists & Guidelines for Purchasers in the Public & Private Sectors". Forthcoming by Business Expert Press (BEP) in New York, with the first book reviews from San Francisco to Sydney already published at www.taniapeizker.expert You can subscribe to Tania's company updates on AI BaaS Cognitive Interfaces within Mixed Reality installations here www.ai-baas.com
Presentation timetable
Ask Our Live AI Bot Hologram How It Feels In Any Language: From The Frontiers Of Mixed Reality
05. February 2020 - 09:00-09:45
Mi 5.1 1) - Into The Unknown:Where No Software Engineer Has Gone Before