
Dana Pylayeva
Agile Play Consulting, LLC
Agile/DevOps Coach, trainer, international speaker
As an Agile Coach and trainer with over 18 years of diverse experience in IT, I bring unique perspective and stories ”from the trenches”. I’ve been fortunate to work with co-located and distributed teams in US, Canada, Ireland, Japan, UK, India and Russia and can share with you their distinct challenges, successes and effective practices.
I am an educational games designer and the author of several DevOps/Agile books and games, including “DevOps with Lego, Chocolate”, “Fear in the Workplace” and "Safety in Workplace". I enjoy being actively involved in Agile community in various roles as a volunteer, reviewer, track chair, program chair and conference chair. I am the founder of Big Apple Scrum Day conference in NYC, co-organizer of NYC Scrum User Group and a Program co-chair at Agile2019 conference.
Presentation timetable