Product Development Flow – How To Scale Beyond 20 Developers
Product development is pretty much jammed up in most organisations beyond 20 and adding more developers or teams to the company often results in slow down and chaos. Like a car that chokes when hitting the accelerator. But there are rare examples, where teams collaborate and produce a regular and scalable output of new features. This can only be achieved by radically re-organising, ensuring management collaboration and distributing responsibilities to experts. And by forgetting most of the old and dysfunctional management paradigms.
Target Audience: Management in Product Development and IT and also future Management. And everryone...
Prerequisites: Having seen real slow and dysfunctional product development and IT
Level: Introductory
Extended Abstract
We will talk about
- independent teams (CEWE pattern)
- organising architectural work (, sipgate or spotify pattern)
- sharing management responsibilities (Idealo pattern of product vdevelopment)Portfolio Kanban (by then hopefully Intersoft and NewStore pattern)
- Level 5 Managers (the from good to great book)
- implementation of Learning in mediocre organisations