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Unsere Empfehlung: Die Virtual Deep Dives

Mehr als 30 Jahre OOP-Erfahrung trifft auf moderne Innovation: Taucht mit uns tief in die wichtigsten Themen gegenwärtiger Software-Architektur ein – auf den "Virtual Deep Dives | powered by OOP".

Diese Konferenz versteht sich als Online-Ergänzung zur OOP München und bietet die Möglichkeit, sich intensiv und interaktiv mit den neuesten Trends und Best Practices in der Software-Architektur auseinanderzusetzen. Unsere Expert:innen und Branchenführer werden tiefe Einblicke in ihre Arbeitsweise geben und wertvolles Wissen teilen, das Sie direkt in Ihre Projekte integrieren können.

» Zu den Virtual Deep Dives

Rückblick auf das Programm der OOP München 2024

Die im Konferenzprogramm der OOP 2024 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).

Software Engineer's 2034 Playbook

Expanding Horizons, the motto of OOP 2024, invites exciting thoughts about the future of software engineering. What will a developer's working day look like in 2034? What environments, tools, and practices will they use to create, test, deploy, and operate software? What will our daily lives look like in a digitalized world in 2034? What types of software systems will be everywhere? What systems will we use at work? What architectures and technologies do these systems rely on? Frank and Kevlin look into the future.

Target Audience: Anyone curious about the future of software engineering
Prerequisites: Interest and sound knowledge in software engineering, architecture and development
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
Expanding Horizons, the motto of OOP 2024, invites exciting thoughts about the future of software engineering. What will a developer's working day look like in 2034? What environments, tools, and practices will they use to create, test, deploy, and operate software? What will our daily lives look like in a digitalized world in 2034? What types of software systems will be everywhere? What systems will we use at work? What architectures and technologies do these systems rely on?
The view is not always clear, but we can look at past and present trends to ask questions and make some forecasts. How will AI affect the daily work of developers, but also everyone else's work? Digitalization is affecting everyone from government to individual — how far will it have taken us by 2034? The last couple of years have seen a lot of media around cryptocurrency, Web3 and the Metaverse, but to what extent will these hopes and hypes actually have affected software development and software usage? What new trends can we expect to see in software architecture, programming languages and workplace culture?
Join Frank and Kevlin as they look into the future, a decade from now.

Frank Buschmann is a Distinguished Engineer at Siemens Technology in Garching. His interests are in modern software architecture and in development approaches for industrial digitization.

Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and writer. He helps individuals and teams improve their skills, codebases and cultures, ensuring people have a place in their architecture. He is co-author of two volumes in the "Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture" series, editor of "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know" and co-editor of "97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know". He lives in Bristol and online.

Frank Buschmann, Kevlin Henney
17:45 - 18:45
Vortrag: Di 3.4

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