Mehr als 30 Jahre OOP-Erfahrung trifft auf moderne Innovation: Taucht mit uns tief in die wichtigsten Themen gegenwärtiger Software-Architektur ein – auf den "Virtual Deep Dives | powered by OOP".
Diese Konferenz versteht sich als Online-Ergänzung zur OOP München und bietet die Möglichkeit, sich intensiv und interaktiv mit den neuesten Trends und Best Practices in der Software-Architektur auseinanderzusetzen. Unsere Expert:innen und Branchenführer werden tiefe Einblicke in ihre Arbeitsweise geben und wertvolles Wissen teilen, das Sie direkt in Ihre Projekte integrieren können.
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Die im Konferenzprogramm der OOP 2024 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).
While AI systems differ in some points from "traditional" systems, testing them does not have to be more difficult - knowing the right questions to ask will go a long way. In this talk we will:
Keep calm and test on - AI systems are not that different from "normal" systems.
Target Audience: Testers, Data Scientists, Developers, Product Owners, Architects
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of software testing
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
If you're a tester about to test your first AI system, or wanting to move into that area, you're probably wondering how you can prepare for the role. While we usually do not deal with complexity in the magnitude of Large Language models like chatGPT, AI systems still seemingly offer different challenges than "traditional" systems.
You're not the first person to deal with these questions. In fact, a group of us got together to explore it in more detail. Is there a general framework of questions that testers can use to help develop a quality strategy for systems that use AI? We wanted to see if we could design one. To this end, we got together a group with diverse roles: tester, test architect, data scientist, project lead and CEO.
Join us in this talk to hear how we approached the task and what our results are, including an example of using our checklist of questions to analyse a system that uses AI. Along the way we also addressed questions like "What is the role of a tester in such projects?" and "How much math do I need?" - we'll talk about those discussions, too. We encourage participants to use our checklist and give us feedback on it!
Gregor Endler erwarb mit seiner Dissertation “Adaptive Data Quality Monitoring with a Focus on the Completeness of Timestamped Data” 2017 den Doktortitel in Informatik. Seitdem ist er als Data Scientist bei der codemanufaktur GmbH tätig. Seine Arbeit umfasst insbesondere Machine Learning, Datenanalyse und Datenvisualisierung.
Marco Achtziger is working for Siemens Healthineers in Forchheim. He has several qualifications from iSTQB and iSQI and is a certified Senior Software Architect by Siemens AG but is a test architect in his heart. In that area he also works as a trainer for a Siemens AG / Healthineers wide training program for test architects. He always seeks to exchange knowledge and experiences from other companies to make sure that we all learn from each other. He does that as speaker on several conferences like OOP, Agile Testing Days and several other conferences.
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