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The Sustainability Mythbuster
There are many discussions, slogans, and myths out there when it comes to sustainability. But what is behind all those slogans? What does “carbon neutral” really mean and how does it compare to “net-zero”? Is my cloud really running on renewable energy? What are the low-hanging fruits when it comes to reducing carbon emissions? And how does “carbon offsetting” really work?
This session explains all those slogans and concepts, sheds some light at common myths, and provides the audience with a solid understanding of the topic.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Managers, Project Leaders
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Level: Basic
Martin Lippert is Spring Tools Lead and Sustainability Ambassador @ VMware.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/martin.lippert
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Applying Green Software in the Real World
The topic of Green Software is very important because software is everywhere and affects the environment indirectly through the usage of hardware. Jochen Joswig explains what Green Software means and more detailed how energy demand can rise through software usage. There are different degrees of software effects on the environment that can be considered and evaluated. Jochen Joswig is furthermore researching green software metrics, approaches, quality criteria and how they can be applied in the daily business of software development.
Target Audience: Software Engineers, IT-Architects, IT-Consultants, Manager, ESG-Consultants, Sustainability Manager
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
Information and communication technology (ICT) is both a curse and a blessing when looking for solutions to environmental problems like the climate crisis. On the one hand, things like video calls and instant messaging reduce the need for travel and thereby reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, the total energy consumption and natural resource demand of ICT is growing. Therefore, in his opinion it is the responsibility of everyone involved in software development to use these resources as sparingly and efficiently as possible. Ideally during all parts of a software’s lifecycle.
There has been extensive research in recent years about Green Software. In this talk, Jochen Joswig will introduce some of the key ideas and methods from his research and make the matter of Green Software more accessible. Furthermore, he will introduce some areas in which in his opinion research is still lacking and provide a personal view on how this could be changed.
Jochen Joswig studied Computer Science at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (B.Sc.) and Universität Hamburg (M.Sc.). Since then, he has been especially interested in developing ESG and CSR software. He sees great potential in the cloud, when creating software solutions that provide added value, are satisfying to use and are eco-friendly, all at the same time. Jochen Joswig works as software engineer at MaibornWolff and is doing research in Green Information and communication technology (ICT).
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/Jochen.Joswig
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