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The Big Move – a Cloud Modernisation Experience
Re-purchasing an application is seen as the top of craftsmanship for cloud migrations. But people have rarely seen such a project in practice. This is the courageous journey of a real consumer product running on expensive infrastructure for years with 2 million active users and more than 6PB of data.
The talk takes you on a journey to a German public cloud and shares all the learnings - about shifting massive data, about terraforming infrastructures, about customizing open source and about all it takes to launch and stay in business.
Target Audience: IT people with no fear of few technical details
Prerequisites: Curiosity about a real public cloud modernisation approach
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
The journey will have the following stages:
Stage 1: How architecture for such a quest looks like and how to start?
Three architecture goals will drive the rest of the journey:
- Efficient scaling
- Minimal run efforts
- Release robust customisation
Stage 2: Customisation of an Open Source product
Stage 3: Migration - decisions and actual experiences during migration
Stage 4: Rollout and staying alive
Bernd Rederlechner ist einer der Principal Lead Architects von T-Systems mit Schwerpunkt "Digitale Lösungen". Er war verantwortlich für die Lieferung von kleinen Innovationsprojekten, aber auch von wirklich großen Landschaftsvorhaben, wo er immer eine Balance zwischen Product Owner, Dev, Ops, Test und Security finden musste. Heute liegt seine Passion im Aufbau von Teams, die digitale Ideen zur Reality machen können - für Kunden und für die Deutschen Telekom.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/bernd.rederlechner
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