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Software Architecture 101 with Spring Boot

This highly interactive workshop is all about software architecture - with Spring Boot, the Java microservice framework. Using an example application, we will discuss and try out the following topics in code:

  • REST API design
  • Hexagonal architecture
  • Bean validation
  • Single sign-on with Keycloak
  • Role-based security
  • Optimistic locking with ETags
  • OWASP dependency check
  • Structured JSON Logging
  • Error handling
  • Integration tests with Cucumber
  • Architecture tests with ArchUnit
  • Local deployment with Docker
  • Reverse proxy with NGINX

Please install the following software before the workshop (if not already available):

  • Java 17+
  • Gradle 7.3+
  • Docker 19+
  • git
  • an IDE of your choice (like IntelliJ IDEA)

On Windows, we also highly recommend you install the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2+.

Target Audience: Software Architects, Software Engineers, Java Developers
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in Java, Interest in software architecture
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
This workshop is highly interactive. You will benefit greatly from trying it out for yourself as well.
Please install the following software before the workshop (if not already available):

  • Java 17+
  • Gradle 7.3+
  • Docker 19+
  • git
  • an IDE of your choice (like IntelliJ IDEA)

On Windows, we also highly recommend you install the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2+.

The example application "Chameleon" that will be used in this workshop has been designed as an educational example project for learning the basics of the Spring Boot ecosystem. But project "Chameleon" tries to be more than just a simple "hello world". It has all the needed parts in place to be as close to a "real world" production-ready software as possible.

Project "Chameleon" currently contains the following features:


  • Backend with Spring Boot
  • Yaml configuration file
  • Hexagonal architecture
  • Build with Gradle
  • Local deployment with Docker
  • Reverse proxy with NGINX


  • Definition of RestController with GET, POST, DELETE and PATCH
  • Description of REST API with OpenAPI
  • Swagger UI
  • Dtos
  • Model mapper
  • Bean validation
  • Global error handler
  • Local error handler
  • Request ids
  • Optimistic locking with ETags


  • Storage in relational database with PostgreSQL
  • JPA, JpaRepository (Spring Data)
  • Database migration with Flyway


  • Integration of SSO (single sign-on) with Keycloak
  • Role-based security (JSR250)
  • OWASP dependency check


  • JSON logging
  • Structured logging
  • Logging of request ids
  • Logging of user and roles


  • Unit tests with JUnit 5
  • Assertions with Google Truth
  • Architectural unit tests with ArchUnit
  • Coverage report of unit tests with JaCoCo
  • Integration tests with Cucumber

Dr. Christoph Ehlers is the Head of Software Engineering at ConSol. As a project lead, agile coach and software architect, he ensures the successful completion of IT projects. After studying computer science at the University of Passau, where he also earned his doctorate, Christoph Ehlers found his way to ConSol more than seven years ago. He is particularly interested in software architecture and databases. Caution: His enthusiasm for technology is contagious!

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Christoph Ehlers

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