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Kleiner Wanderführer für IT-Systeme
Firmen können kaum noch IT-Systeme neu entwickeln, ohne dass existierende Funktionalität mitwandert. Vor die Aufgabe gestellt, ein System von einem Fremdanbieter in eine Public Cloud zu überführen, hat sich gezeigt, dass hilfreiche Wanderführer rar sind.
Diese Session strukturiert Entscheidungswege und Erkenntnisse bei Cloud-basierten Migrationsvorhaben - abgeleitet aus der Migration und Modernisierung von einem Konsumenten-Service mit 6 PB Daten und ca. 2 Mio. Nutzern.
Zielpublikum: Business-Architekt:innen, Entwickler:innen, Projektleiter:innen, Manager, Entscheider
Voraussetzungen: Erfahrung mit IT-Projekten
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Anfänger
Extended Abstract:
Wanderungen versprechen Entspannung, Panorama oder Sehenswürdigkeiten auf dem Weg. Selten steht bei der Planung die erwartete Anstrengung im Vordergrund. Ähnlich ist es mit Cloud-Migrationen: Der positive Beitrag zur geschäftlichen Entwicklung lockt, aber nicht ohne Mühe.
Wir streifen die folgenden Etappen:
1. Tourenplanung: Wie wähle ich den richtigen Migrationsweg, aka. die "Migrationsstrategie"
2. Lohnt sich der Weg: Wie überzeuge ich Entscheider, ein solches Vorhaben zu sponsoren
3. Auf dem Weg bleiben: Wie managt man den Migrationsfortschritt?
4. Bleibende Erinnerungen: Wie begegnet man übergroßen Erwartungen und vermeidet Enttäuschung bei Endkunden und Produktverantwortlichen?
Bernd Rederlechner ist einer der Principal Lead Architects von T-Systems mit Schwerpunkt "Digitale Lösungen". Er war verantwortlich für die Lieferung von kleinen Innovationsprojekten, aber auch von wirklich großen Landschaftsvorhaben, wo er immer eine Balance zwischen Product Owner, Dev, Ops, Test und Security finden musste. Heute liegt seine Passion im Aufbau von Teams, die digitale Ideen zur Reality machen können - für Kunden und für die Deutschen Telekom.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/bernd.rederlechner
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Balancing Legacy and Innovation: Taking your IBM Mainframe on the Modernization Journey
Modernization projects are not a straight line as there’s no one-stop shop. Balance is definitely the right word: we talk here about finding the proper trade-off between quality/costs/timeframe requirements and customized patterns for a successful legacy system modernization. Based on actual use cases, we’ll discuss the available solutions (ERP implementation, code rewriting, middleware, cloud…), and see why combining the relevant tools is key.
Let us take you on a modernization journey and get your IBM mainframe to embrace innovation!
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Leaders, Chief Information Officers
Prerequisites: IBM i (AS400) and IBM z environments, mainframes, software development
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Trusted by major players in the insurance, banking, industrial and public services, IBM i and IBM z mainframes are undoubtedly powerful and reliable. Yet, the core business applications developed decades ago are no longer suited for today's requirements nor for tomorrow's innovations. Issues are piling up: maintenance, regulations, cybersecurity, mobility, UX/UI, technical debt … all made worse by the lack of skilled and motivated developers able to untangle layers of spaghetti legacy COBOL or RPG codes.
When the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is rising, some may consider simply shifting to modern architectures. Remember the massive rush to a famous ERP in the 2000s? Disarray, downtime, sleepless nights dreading data loss … History has taught us that forced march towards efficiency is possible but also that balance to consider the actual business environment and needs could have been a far better solution, both for systems and people.
Successful modernization is about making the most of the existing mainframe (remember, IBM i and IBM z systems are powerful and reliable!), adapting it to the latest IT trends and strategically relocating applications, inside or outside the mainframe.
Let us introduce you to an interesting use case we had a few years ago: this financial institution, specialized in consumer loans, is struggling with the obsolescence of its mainframe core business applications:
• Accounting
• Human resources and payroll
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Documentary reporting
Lately, legacy applications had had issues to address new demands from their various users (accountants, HR, sales, management):
• How to work over 2 accounting exercises?
• How to add new data and issue monthly statements of account?
• How to call an external webservice to check customer solvency?
• How to cope with the stricter compliance checks requested by financial regulations?
• How to secure remote access for other branches?
• How to provide a modern, secure and multi-session interface?
• How to offer mobile access to all kinds of devices?
We’ll discuss a fully customized and easy to implement solution to modernize:
developers’ workstations: Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
systems and software: migration, decommissioning, revamping, middleware, runtime, mobile connectivity, web services, cloud
Let’s dive together into this real-world use case and deploy the full array of modernization tools to support this financial institution in her quest for innovation.
Julie Dumortier is a lifelong entrepreneur with a passion to ‘Simply solve complex problems'. She is President of Metrixware Systemobjects, the French ISV specialized in mainframe modernization.
Uwe Graf, Dipl. Math. feels at home both in the legacy and in the modern decentralized software world. As Lead Modernization Architect at EasIRun Europa GmbH, he sees himself as a bridge builder from the "old" software world to cloud and BI.
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