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How to Upgrade a Ubiquitous Language into a Domain-Specific Language
Language defines the boundary to our world: it sets what we can describe and what we can’t. This talk describes how to formalize a ubiquitous language into a domain-specific language. The resulting language is used for communication and collaboration as well as used as a basis for generating code, tests, configs, etc. The talk is based on industry cases from various domains, such as banking and insurance, industry automation and automotive.
Target Audience: Developers, Subject Matter/Domain Experts, Managers
Prerequisites: Experiences on applying some modeling language
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Language defines the boundary to our world: it sets what we can describe and also what we can’t. This talk describes how to formalize a ubiquitous language into a domain-specific language. The resulting language is then used for communication and collaboration, and also as a basis for generating code, tests, configuration, etc. The talk is based on industry cases from various domains, such as banking, insurance, industrial automation and automotive. A particular emphasis in industry cases is how experts from different fields can apply the same language. We will describe language definition cases from practice and illustrate how the created languages have become the cornerstone of development activities.
Juha-Pekka Tolvanen works for MetaCase. He has been involved in domain-specific languages and tools since 1991 and acted as a consultant world-wide on their use. Juha-Pekka has co-authored a book (Domain-Specific Modeling, Wiley 2008) and over 100 articles in software development magazines and conferences. Juha-Pekka holds a Ph.D. in computer science.
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