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Change of date # OpenTelemetry from an Ops Perspective
The developers have instrumented the applications with OpenTelemetry — great! But that doesn't mean you're ready to roll it out in production yet. What do you need to keep in mind for your instrumentation infrastructure?
* Quick OpenTelemetry overview.
* Tradeoffs between the three architectures you use with OTel (depending on your vendor): vendor exporter vs OTel Collector vs OTel protocol support
* Sampling, including head vs tail based, and how to keep it representative and / or useful.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers
Prerequisites: Software development knowledge and some monitoring experience is also helpful
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
The developers have instrumented the applications with OpenTelemetry — great! But that doesn't mean you're ready to roll it out in production. What do you need to keep in mind for your instrumentation infrastructure? OpenTelemetry is THE emerging standard for monitoring and creating more observable systems. Starting with an overview, this talk then dives into two areas that make a big difference in cost, flexibility, and insights:
Firstly, the three possible integration architectures with vendor exporter, OpenTelemetry Collector, and native protocol support; and why a combination of Collector and native protocol are the most common choice today.
Secondly, sampling or how to get the big picture from a subset of the data (and cost). Here the tradeoffs evolve around head- vs tail-based sampling and how to keep the collected data representative and / or useful. It generally comes down to simpler and cheaper with the head-based approach, while the tail-based one is potentially more useful with higher overhead. And now it's time to roll it out in production!
Philipp Krenn lebt für technische Vorträge und Demos. Nachdem er mehr als zehn Jahre als Web-, Infrastruktur- und Datenbank-Entwickler gearbeitet hat, ist er mittlerweile Developer Advocate bei Elastic — dem Unternehmen hinter dem Open Source Elastic Stack, bestehend aus Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats und Logstash. Auch wenn er in Wien zu Hause ist, reist er regelmäßig durch Europa und darüber hinaus, um über Open-Source-Software, Suche, Datenbanken, Infrastruktur und Sicherheit zu sprechen.
Philipp Krenn lives to demo interesting technology. Having worked as a web, infrastructure, and database engineer for over ten years, Philipp is now a developer advocate and EMEA team lead at Elastic — the company behind the Elastic Stack consisting of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash.
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