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Better Decision Making with Stoic Agility: What Would Marcus Aurelius Do?

We all live in an increasingly complex world and decision making for leaders isn't getting any easier. However, a long time ago, it probably was equally challenging for the Roman Emperor - Philosopher King - Marcus Aurelius. When dealing with our current challenges as leaders (e.g. as product owners, scrum masters or in management), we can learn from ancient Stoic ideas that we are in control of our own decisions, but we cannot control outcome. This interactive session will leave you with focus on your own discipline, intent and decision making.

Target Audience: Leaders, Managers, Decision Makers, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Project-, Programme Managers
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
We live in a world of ever-growing complexity - however in his time it probably was just as complex for Philosopher King Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor from 161 till 180. Stoicism teaches us we cannot control outcome, we have no influence on external factors. We can however control how we make decisions, how much effort we put into things and how we react to circumstances. And we can actively strive to do all of these things a bit better, every day.
Since Stoicism is a practical philosophy for people in real life, this session aims to leave you with some theoretical knowledge on Stoicism, the Stoic notion of what is in your control and what isn't, and mostly with practical suggestions and new habits to start with. Reflection on decision making and journalling is key, so please bring a journal to this session to make the most of the interactive parts of this session.

Maryse Meinen is a product leader, currently working in a product owner role, building a full-blown container platform for a new IT infrastructure, together with an awesome team. She is also an active practitioner of Stoic philosophy, trying to live according to values like "humans are made for cooperation", "wisdom" and "perseverance". Always keeping an eye on the human aspect of our work, she strives to humanise our workplace a bit more every day.

Maryse Meinen
18:30 - 20:00
Vortrag: Nmi 2

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