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Architecture as Knowledge
It is common to consider software architecture as structure, as infrastructure, as code, as technologies, as models, and so on, but what if we consider software architecture as knowledge? The idea that software architecture is the set of significant decisions about a system is not a new one, but those decisions represent knowledge.
When we embrace the idea of knowledge as a first class concept, that has implications for our documentation (such as architecture decisions records), for our code and for our development process.
Target Audience: Developers, Architects, Managers, Coaches, Leaders
Prerequisites: No specific prerequisites
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
It is common to consider software architecture as structure, as infrastructure, as code, as technologies, as models, and so on, but what if we consider software architecture as knowledge? The idea that software architecture is the set of significant decisions about a system is not a new one, but those decisions represent knowledge.
When we embrace the idea of knowledge as a first class concept, that has implications for our documentation (such as architecture decisions records), for our code and for our development process.
This session will explore a number of concepts and practices that relate architecture to existing development practice and agile approaches. It will revisit patterns, explore ADRs, relate architecture to lean thinking, PDSA, hypothesis-driven development, and more.
Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in programming, practice and people. He is co-author of two volumes in the ”Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture” series, and editor and contributor for multiple books in the ”97 Things” series. He lives in Bristol and online.
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