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Approval Testing: Get Legacy Code Under Control
Approval testing is a technique that helps you to get a difficult codebase under test and begin to control your technical debt. Approval testing works best on larger pieces of code where you want to test for multiple things and interpreting failures is challenging.
In this hands-on session we'll introduce a commonly-used Approval testing tool for Java and through hands-on exercises learn to get control of some example code. The same tool is also available for many other programming languages, see https://approvaltests.com/
Bring a laptop.
Max. number of participants: 30
Target Audience: Developers, Architects
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Java and unit testing, bring a laptop
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
Introducing Approval Testing (55 minutes)
- Code Review: examine existing test case, discuss strengths & weaknesses
- Demonstration: Convert an assertion-based test to use Approval testing
- Hands-on exercise: Add some tests using Approvals.Java.
Break (5 minutes)
Approval Test Design (50 minutes)
- Presentation: Approval testing characteristics and design patterns
- Exercise: Using the default XML printer with Approvals.Java
- Demonstration: Using scrubbing with an XML printer
- Discussion: when to print, when to scrub
Printer Design (30 minutes)
- Exercise: Designing a printer for a domain object
- Presentation: Case studies
- Q&A (10 minutes)
Emily Bache is an independent consultant and Technical Coach. She works with developers, training and coaching effective agile practices like Refactoring and Test-Driven Development. Emily has written two books and teaches courses on platforms including Pluralsight and O’Reilly. A frequent conference speaker, Emily has been invited to keynote at prestigious developer events including EuroPython, Craft and ACCU. Recently Emily founded the Samman Technical Coaching Society, a not-for-profit organisation which aims to support and inspire technical coaches around the world.