Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Time (CET).

Women@OOP-Meet-up: Empowering Professional Growth Through Skill Development

As part of our ongoing efforts to empower and support women in technology, we are excited to invite you to join us for an enriching discussion that combines expert knowledge with personal experiences, empowering you to take charge of your professional journey.

This meet-up is specifically designed to address a crucial topic that resonates deeply with many professionals in our field: identifying and filling skill gaps to further your career.
The OOP conference has consistently demonstrated a commitment to diversity, with over 30% of its speakers being female. We believe that your expertise and experiences would be invaluable contributions to our meet-up, and we are eager to hear your insights on this topic. 

Our meet-up aims to provide a platform for women in tech to share strategies, tools, and personal stories on how to identify skill gaps and develop targeted plans to address them. Your participation would not only enrich the discussion but also inspire and motivate others to take proactive steps in their career development. 

Key areas we would like to explore during the meet-up include:

  • Self-awareness and gap analysis: How to conduct a personal gap analysis to identify areas for improvement and set clear, actionable objectives. 
  • Skill development strategies: Effective methods for acquiring new skills or enhancing existing ones, including leveraging online courses, workshops, mentorship programs, and networking events. 
  • Overcoming barriers: Strategies for overcoming common challenges such as imposter syndrome, unconscious bias, and systemic barriers that may hinder career advancement. 

Note: This meet-up is free, everyone is welcome regardless of gender.

Register for free:

9:15 Doors open
9:30 Welcome/Intro & Ice Breaker
9:45 Lightning Talks incl. Q&A
11:00 Networking
11:15 Closing

Skill Development for Software Professionals
Emily Bache

Success as a software professional involves far more than simply being able to write working code. A large amount of what makes a great developer is the techniques they have learnt on-the-job that enable them to understand what the user really needs, and evolve an existing system to better support that. They are also working in the context of a team or many teams all contributing to the same goal, so collaboration skills are important. All these skills are essentially practical – it matters that you can actually do them, not only talk about how to do them. In my experience most developers gain practical coding and collaboration skills ad-hoc through mentoring and code review. It’s time to think more strategically about practical skill acquisition. In this talk I’ll explain the Hartman proficiency taxonomy and how software professionals can use it to assess where they are, where they want to be, and how to get there.

Beware of Glue Roles
Diana Montalion 

My communication, empathy and social organization skills have always been a valuable asset in my career. Alas, they have not always been *valued* as leadership skills. This quick talk describes strategies for avoiding invisible labor and increasing your impact.

Sketchnotes in IT
Lisa Maria Schäfer

We all take countless notes in our day-to-day work - from presentations, meetings, complex tasks, ...
Most of these notes suffer from the “long and illegible” syndrome, which is why they quickly end up in the waste paper. These notes often don't help us to remember the important things. But that's exactly why we created them!

In my presentation, you will see how you can integrate sketchnotes into your everyday work as a techie and what advantages they have for you. You'll find out what sketchnotes are, how you can use them for your purposes and how they ensure that you can finally remember the important things. So that you go home with all the important tools, we will draw some frequently used symbols in software development and architecture together step by step.

You've come to the right place if you finally want to make your notes more helpful. You don't need an A in art to do this, just a desire to try something new.

Get your pens ready, go!

Boosting Women's Representation in IT: How Can We Achieve This?
Carola Lilienthal, Dehla Sokenou

For eight years, Carola has helmed WPS - Workplace Solutions as Managing Director. Alongside Dehla, a five-year WPS veteran, and other colleagues, she spearheads initiatives to champion women in tech. WPS has recently implemented several forward-thinking measures: workshops on 'Projecting Confidence', mentorship schemes, women's networking socials, and focused discussion groups. At WPS, maternity leave doesn't derail career progression, and flexible project management is the norm - a practice equally valued by male team members. The result? An impressively high proportion of women in the company. To nurture the next generation of female tech talent, WPS actively participates in Girls' Day and partners with women-focused computer science degree programmes. Drawing from their personal journeys and pioneering initiatives, Carola and Dehla will showcase how women can effectively support and elevate each other in the IT sector.

Emily Bache is an independent consultant, YouTuber and Technical Coach. She works with developers, training and coaching effective agile practices like Refactoring and Test-Driven Development. Emily has worked with software development for 25 years, written two books and teaches courses on platforms including Pluralsight and O'Reilly. A frequent conference speaker, Emily has been invited to keynote at prestigious developer events including EuroPython, Craft and ACCU. Emily founded the Samman Technical Coaching Society in order to promote technical excellence and support coaches everywhere.


Diana Montalion is the author of the O’Reilly book "Learning Systems Thinking: Essential Nonlinear Skills & Practices for Software Professionals". She has twenty years of experience engineering and architecting software systems for organizations including Stanford, The Gates Foundation, Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Teach For All. She has served as Principal Systems Architect for The Economist and The Wikimedia Foundation. Her company, Mentrix, teaches systems architecture and builds modern software systems for diverse clients.
Diana lives in the Hudson Valley (New York, USA) with her husband, three dogs, one cat and nine chickens.

Lisa ist Produkt- und Marketingmanagerin beim IT-Trainingsanbieter socreatory, dort gibt sie nicht nur Trainings, sondern kümmert sich auch um Vermarktung und Konzeption. Zuvor hat sie sich mit Softwarearchitektur und Entwicklung im Web-Umfeld beschäftigt und war in Backend und Frontend aktiv. Seit Juni 2020 engagiert sie sich beim Format „Softwarearchitektur im Stream“.

Dr. Carola Lilienthal ist Softwarearchitektin und Geschäftsführerin bei der Workplace Solutions GmbH. Seit 2003 analysiert sie die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Softwarearchitekturen und spricht auf Konferenzen über dieses Thema. 2015 hat sie ihre Erfahrungen in ihren Büchern „Langlebige Softwarearchitekturen“ und „Domain-Driven Transformation“ zusammengefasst.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei vorbei:

Dehla Sokenou begleitet alle Softwareentwicklungsphasen, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Qualitätssicherung. Bei WPS ist sie als Testmanagerin und Softwarearchitektin tätig und zudem Sprecherin der GI-Fachgruppe TAV.

Emily Bache, Diana Montalion, Lisa Maria Schäfer, Carola Lilienthal, Dehla Sokenou
09:30 - 11:15
Vortrag: Women@OOP

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