Software architects, developers and IT project managers have been relying on OOP - the best-known and largest conference on all important software architecture topics in the German-speaking world - for their professional development for over 30 years. Why? This conference is the tried-and-tested meeting place for the software scene at the beginning of the year because it always succeeds in providing a state-of-the-art picture of current software development through cutting-edge and practical presentations.

Five days with more than 130 talks in up to 8 simultaneous tracks: OOP 2026 will once again offer the well-known high quality of presentations.

» Take a look back at the program of 2025


With its motto ‘Bridging the Gap’, OOP 2025 created a suitable professional framework for exchanging ideas with like-minded people and discussing problems from everyday working life.

The conference was aimed (and will be aimed in 2026) specifically at:

   - Developers
   - Software Architects
   - Product Owners
   - Decision Makers
   - Project Managers
   - Quality Managers

What does the OOP conference stand for?

An excellent conference program

Year after year, the OOP program provides an overview of the latest developments in all key areas of software architecture. Our Program Chair Jutta Eckstein, together with her Track Chairs, ensures that OOP always has its finger on the current trends!

The best speakers in the business

Well over 150 speakers - including numerous national and international top experts - will present the latest findings on software development over five days. And not to forget: The women power at OOP! Year after year, we endeavour to ensure the greatest possible diversity.

The Place to Be

There are good reasons why OOP is regarded as a class or family reunion for software architecture. The conference becomes an experience when both friends and new people from a wide range of industries meet, exchange ideas and broaden their professional horizons together.

Not just a conference, but also an exhibition

The OOP not only features a first-class program, but also a large exhibition of selected software manufacturers and IT service providers. Be inspired by the numerous offers as you walk through the trade fair.

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How to contact us


More than 130 Talks!
Program of 2025


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