Property Based Testing by Example

Are you tired of trying to find every edge case in your code and write a test for it? Generative testing is the answer to that. In this talk we'll explore how _property-based testing_ is the antidote to brittle and hard-to-maintain test suites. Using examples in C# we'll work through how to take your existing example-based tests and evolve them to use property-based testing to expand your coverage and probe your edge-cases more thoroughly.

Target Audience: Developers, Technical Leaders
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of C#
Level: Advanced

Steve Love is a professional programmer with over 20 years of experience in many different industry sectors using multiple technology stacks and programming language platforms. He is a recognized author and speaker about C#, Python, and C++ programming techniques, software architecture, design, testing, and a variety of other topics. He's also a mediocre guitar player, and an expert chicken herder.

Steve Love
14:30 - 15:30
Vortrag: Do 5.3
Themen: Testing

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