Long-lived DDD with "Closure of Operations"

Eric Evans' Big Blue Book has a chapter titled "closure of operations", largely ignored by the community and subsequent works on DDD. This is tragic, as closure of operations is one of the most powerful techniques for domain modeling. A concept imported from functional programming, it makes for flexible and long-lived domain models with the help of combinators - operations that build big domain objects from smaller ones recursively. This is refreshing alternative to the rigid hierarchical taxonomies that often result from naive application of DDD modeling techniques "close to the domain", and which require continual adjustments and extensions. The talk shows what "closure" is and how you can harness it in your project.

"Closure of operations" applies abstraction over rigid models. It avoids common problems of overabstraction through a systematic process and the use of simple mathematical principles. The talk will also cover these.

Target Audience: Developers, Architects
Prerequisites: Basic DDD
Level: Advanced

Dr. Michael Sperber is CEO of Active Group in Tübingen, Germany. Mike specializes in functional architecture, and has been an internationally recognized expert in the field. He has authored many papers on the subject as well as several books. Mike is also an accredited iSAQB trainer, curator of its FUNAR and DSL curricula, and a member of iSAQB's Foundation working group.

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Michael Sperber
17:00 - 18:00
Vortrag: Mi 2.4

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