Conference Program

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ScaleAgility: Principles Over Frameworks for Sound Agile Organisations

Do you like some of what you find in the common scaling frameworks but don't buy-in to everything? Then, go to the essence!
This session will present and share a set of principles for scaling, which you can use to roll-your-own approach or properly contextualise the usage of an existing framework such as LeSS, Scrum@Scale or Nexus.

Unlike other scaling approaches, these guidelines are non-prescriptive and recognise the value of elements in many scaling frameworks.

Target Audience: Managers, Decision Makers, Agile Coaches
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of agile. Having been exposed to agile at scale projects is a plus
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
ScaleAgility is a set of principles to create sound scaled organisations.
Devised by a group of five trainers and coaches with a total of more than 70 years of experience in large-scale agile implementations, these principles aim to expose the tensions inherent in any organisational development initiative and provide guidance to discuss and develop strategies and tactics for transforming a company.
In this workshop we will discuss:

  1. A set of general principles to consider when creating large-scale agile organisations
  2. How properly defining products and the way the product definition evolves are fundamental for large-scale agility
  3. A path for Teams to evolve from localised responsibility to feature Teams
  4. How the Leadership should accompany the change

Pierluigi Pugliese is active as Agile Coach, Systemic Consultant and Trainer. He has a long experience in various roles in software development organisations and complex international projects. As an expert for Agile and Scrum, he helps clients implement agility in organisations. He strives for sustained improvement in teams and organisations, using the best methods as suggested by his broad experience. His expertise is cross-sector and independent from hierarchical structures, spanning from consulting and coaching at the top management level to single teams and individual developers. He regularly speaks at international conferences on Agile and Scrum, especially focusing on people aspects and team interactions.

He started hacking code so long ago that he cannot remember exactly when anymore. After many years various roles in the mobile telecommunication business, he works as a consultant for software organisations and coach for individuals and teams, focusing on software development and software processes, helping them implementing sound and agile solutions.


Simon Roberts is an agile and leadership coach and Certified Scrum Trainer. He has used lightweight/agile methods since the late 1990s and works with organisations large and small to help them achieve better results by leveraging the power of self-organising teams. He has consulted for and led several large-scale agile transitions at DAX companies in Germany, is the author of several articles and speaks regularly at conferences on the subject of agile leadership. Simon holds an MBA specialising in Creativity, Innovation and Change from the Open University Business School.

Since 2005 Colin Bird is assisting organisations in many sectors to wrestle with the challenges of retaining agility as the scale of the challenge moves beyond a single team.

Pierluigi Pugliese, Simon Roberts, Colin Bird, Matt Roadnight, Jan Olsen
10:00 - 17:00
Vortrag: Mo 1

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