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Finding the Right Balance in Sustainability
Sustainability is an emerging concern in software. However, advances in software technology over the past years appear to be in conflict with this goal. Data centers promise virtually unlimited compute power and consume a lot of energy. DevOps and modern programming demand high resource utilization. Are we on a wrong path? Must we return to highly optimized assembler code? Or can we achieve sustainability by consciously balancing the advantages of modern software engineering with the proven practices of writing efficient software. Let’s explore.
Moderator: Frank Buschmann
Panelists: Sara Bergman, Jutta Eckstein, Pia Fåk Sunnanbo, Martin Lippert, Marcus Trapp
Target Audience: Everyone interested in sustainability in software engineering
Prerequisites: None
Level: Advanced
Frank Buschmann is a Senior Principal Engineer at Siemens Technology in Munich. His interests are in modern software architecture and development approaches for industrial digitization.
Sara Bergman is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Development Center Norway working in a team which owns several backend APIs powering people experiences in the Microsoft eco-system. She is an advocate for green software practices at MDCN and M365. She is a member of the Green Software Foundation and the chair of the Writer's project which is curating and creating written articles on the main GSF website and the GSF newsletter.
Jutta Eckstein arbeitet weltweit als Business-Coach, Change-Managerin & Beraterin. Ihr Fokus liegt auf unternehmensweiter Agilität in großen & verteilten Organisationen. Sie war von 2003 bis 2007 im Vorstand der AgileAlliance. Sie hat einen M.A. in Business Coaching & Change Management, einen Dipl.-Ing. in Product-Engineering und ist als Immissionsschutzbeauftragte (Umweltschutz) zertifiziert. Jutta wurde 2011 von der Computerwoche in die Top 100 der bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten der Deutschen IT gewählt.
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Since many years Pia Fåk Sunnanbo is a software engineer with experience from a wide range of languages, environments and domains. She loves deleting code and using the simplest tools possible. Fascinated how humans create technology and technology changes human behavior and lives. She holds a firm belief that software engineering knowledge is a huge power in today's society. It's our responsibility to use it for good. Works full time to stop climate change.
Martin Lippert is Spring Tools Lead and Sustainability Ambassador @ VMware.
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Marcus Trapp ist Digital-Designer und trägt mit Full Flamingo zur Rettung unseres Planeten bei. Als der Co-Founder fürs Reden kümmert er sich um User Experience, Marketing und Vertrieb.
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