Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program of OOP 2023 Digital correspond to Central European Time (CET).

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Climate Bookkeeping – Making a Big Impact with a Small Team

Over 95 % of companies in the EU are small businesses with less than 250 employees. Many of them would like to reduce their carbon emissions but very few have the knowledge and time needed to take action.
Reaching a sizable fraction of these companies with actionable information about their carbon footprint has a huge potential for climate impact. But is that possible for an organization with less than 10 employees? While also working at a sustainable pace?

Target Audience: Everybody willing to explore how to build software for our future
Prerequisites: none
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:

Humanity of today is faced with several very serious challenges: environmental problems such as climate change are changing our conditions for living and producing food, making social problems like poverty and global inequality worse.  A good future for our Planet Earth and the humans it supports is possible, but only if we act for it. The aim of this session is to give more people the confidence and tools to get more people to do exactly that: act for a better future.

We’ll spend most of the session exploring the story of GoClimate, a company founded for the sole purpose of stopping climate change. From the example of GoClimate’s journey we’ll extract a toolbox for making an impact on a global problem with a small team. Hopefully you’ll leave this talk convinced that your actions matter and with concrete ideas on how you can act.

Since many years Pia Fåk Sunnanbo is a software engineer with experience from a wide range of languages, environments and domains. She loves deleting code and using the simplest tools possible. Fascinated how humans create technology and technology changes human behavior and lives. She holds a firm belief that software engineering knowledge is a huge power in today's society. It's our responsibility to use it for good. Works full time to stop climate change.

Pia Fåk Sunnanbo

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