Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.
The times given in the conference program of OOP 2023 Digital correspond to Central European Time (CET).
By clicking on "VORTRAG MERKEN" within the lecture descriptions you can arrange your own schedule. You can view your schedule at any time using the icon in the upper right corner.
Change Culture – Thing or Cult
Sustainability needs change-ability. This 90-min panel will have on three speakers on change. How to move many people or a company to change the status quo. This question addresses the needs of organizations and likewise the needs of our society.
Target Audience: Change Management People, Everyone
Prerequisites: None
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
We will combine three speakers with 20 min Impulse talks. There will be biological brewed beer in different flavors to accompany the tasteful and inspiring talks. The audience will be able to ask questions and supply suggestions, the speakers will respond to that. Anke and Hannes will serve as referees and sommelier(e)s.
The three talks are:
Gina Häußge: Adventures in Open Source Development - how to change OS
Oftentimes when imagining how Open Source Software is developed, the following sort of picture is painted: teams of dozens of developers coordinating happily, handling constant software maintenance with a smile on their faces and often provided with company funding. This is an ideal picture that sadly and all too often doesn't reflect reality. So, the question remains: what is it like to create, develop, and maintain an Open Source project independently or with a small-sized team and an unsure funding situation?
Michael de Zan: Sect or state religion? Agile rituals from a cultural-historical perspective
As a team, do we enjoy going to the retro as much as young people go to church on Sundays? Do we help shape agile events, or do we delegate them to priestly rite experts? Are we passionate about agile values, or do we live with the agile framework as with a state religion whose rituals we have to serve externally? The lecture takes a look at the agile rituals from a ritual-theoretical and cultural-historical perspective, shows parallels and offers a change of perspective in order to reflect on and further develop one's own rituals.
Anke Nehrenberg: “To boldly go …” - Definitions - Reflections - Observations - Predictions on ‘Culture of Growth’
We will start by exploring the concept of culture and continue with a self-localization: where are we today, what aspects does ‘growth’ bring to the party? Culture and organization not only are interdependent, they affect each other reciprocally. Most of this will sound familiar and may be boring, so let’s take it a bit further and explore the edges of our known universe: I will draw on observations and reflections of organizational culture and what may become important in a (galaxy) future not so far away.
Hannes Mainusch - impulsiver nerd-manager.
Dinge, die mich inspirieren, sind innovative Technologien, Röhrenradios und Radfahren. Und ich freue mich, wenn die Menschen um mich herum und ich lernen, besser zu werden. Veränderung beinhaltet Scheitern und Lernen, organisatorische Veränderung beinhaltet die Schaffung einer Lernumgebung. Also versuche ich, offen für neue Herausforderungen zu bleiben und gleichzeitig einen tollen und empathischen Job im Change-Management zu machen.
In den letzten Jahren war ich im IT-Management und Consulting tätig. 2016 haben wir die commitment GmbH & Co. KG als Experiment radikaldemokratischer Unternehmensberatung gegründet.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei vorbei:
Gina Häußge is a passionate code monkey, gamer, hobby baker, and creator and maintainer of OctoPrint. She has always been in love with code, and loves tinkering and helping others. Gina has written open source software for most of her adult life and has been in the lucky position to do it full time — and 100% crowdfunded by the community for her project OctoPrint for several years now. During this time, she has learned a lot about leading open source projects and managing communities.
Michael de Zan motiviert es, wenn er als Scrum Master sein Team dabei unterstützen kann, offen zu kommunizieren und respektvoll miteinander umzugehen, um in positiver Atmosphäre gut zusammenzuarbeiten und wertvolle Produkte zu entwickeln. Dabei kann er nicht nur die Erfahrungen miteinbringen, die er über Jahre in klassischen, nicht-agilen Software-Projekten gesammelt hat, sondern auch die Perspektiven, die ihm sein geisteswissenschaftlicher Background bietet.
Michael de Zan is motivated when, as a Scrum Master, he can support his team in communicating openly and treating each other with respect in order to work well together in a positive atmosphere and develop valuable products. In doing so, he can contribute not only the experience he has gained over years in classic, non-agile software projects, but also the perspectives offered by his background in the humanities.
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