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Die Konferenz für Software-Architektur
03. - 05. Juli 2023



Are You Stuck? Make Fearless Change with the Fearless Journey Game.

Is your organization perfect? Or do you wish some things could be different? You may be stuck – so you scratch your head, brainstorm a bit, and grumble a bit more. This session will help you get unstuck. You will be introduced to Fearless Change strategies and participate in a Fearless Journey game that can help you and your team begin to move from the present situation to where you want to be. Get ready for some fun and you'll take away some strategies you can start to use on Monday morning!

Target Audience: Anyone who sees problems in their organization and would like to help make change happen
Prerequisites: A desire to learn (and have some fun while you do)
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:

This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn how to start to make change happen, even if it's as big as increasing sustainability in your organization. As an attendee you will:

  • Learn some strategies you can use to begin to get people so interested and involved that they want to change
  • Participate in a "game" that will help you begin to get from the present situation to where you want to be
  • Take away change leadership strategies you can begin to use right away


Mary Lynn Manns, PhD, is the co-author of two books with Linda Rising, "Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas" and "More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen". She has led numerous presentations and workshops on the topic of change throughout the world at conferences and in organizations that include Microsoft, amazon.com, Apple, Procter & Gamble, and Avon.

Mary Lynn Manns
17:30 - 19:00
Vortrag: Ndi 4

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