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Conference Program

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Monolith To Microservices

Big Bang rebuilds of systems are so 20th century. With our users expecting new functionality to be shipped more frequently than ever before, we no longer have the luxury of a complete system rebuild. In fact, a big bang migration of a monolithic architecture into a microservice architecture can be especially problematic, as we’ll explore in this talk.

We want to ship features, but we also want to improve our architecture, and for many of us this means breaking down existing systems into microservices. But how do you do this while still regularly releasing new features?

In this talk, I’ll share with you some key principles and a number of patterns which you can use to incrementally decompose an existing system into microservices. I’ll also cover off patterns that can work to migrate functionality out of systems you can’t change, which are useful when working with very old systems or vendor products. We'll look at the use of strangler patterns, change data capture, database decomposition and more.

Coming out of this talk you’ll have a better understanding of the importance of evolving an architecture, along with some concrete patterns to help you do that on your own projects.

Target Audience: Developers, architects, operations, testers and anyone actively involved in software delivery
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge about microservices and software delivery
Level: Advanced

Sam is a technologist and consultant who focuses in the areas of cloud, continuous delivery and microservices. As well as helping companies all over the world get software into production, Sam is also an experienced conference speaker and writer. He is author of Building Microservices, 1st Edition (O’Reilly, 2015), Monolith To Microservices (O’Reilly, 2019), and Building Microservices, 2nd Edition (O’Reilly, 2021).
Sam Newman
14:30 - 15:30
Vortrag: Do 5.3

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