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Conference Program

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Making your Bureaucracy Value Stream Lean and Automated

In today’s software-driven world, the integrity of software assets isn’t just a regulatory and compliance requirement, it’s critical for maintaining trust and avoiding irreparable damage to your brand and reputation. We found that Compliance, Software Chain of custody and in-App Security as well as API Security are seen as an overburdened bureaucracy. But they have to be part of your software value stream. So the question is, how they can be so lean, automated and optimized that they can contribute actual value inside your DevSecOps Approach?

Target Audience: Architects, Developers
Prerequisites: Project development experience
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract
In today’s software-driven world, the integrity of software assets isn’t just a regulatory and compliance requirement, it’s critical for maintaining trust and avoiding irreparable damage to your brand and reputation.
The same also applies to Quality, In-App Security, and API Security in a more and more digitized world.
In a lot of case studies, we found that Compliance, Software Chain of custody and in-App Security as well as API Security are seen as an overburdened bureaucracy. But in all cases, they have to be part of your software value stream.
So the question is, how they can be so lean, automated, and optimized that they can contribute actual value inside your DevSecOps Approach? In the lecture we provide some key insight in how to solve that dilemma and integrate them into your day-to-day work.

Matthias Zieger ist seit fast 25 Jahren in der IT-Branche tätig – mit Rollen in Soft-wareentwicklung, Architektur, Testautomatisierung, Application Lifecycle Ma-nagement und DevOps für IBM, Borland, Microsoft und codecentric. In den letzten Jahren hat er große Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, ihre Software mit der Relea-se-Orchestrierung und Deployment-Automatisierung von XebiaLabs schneller in Produktion zu bringen – von klassischen Java EE-Umgebungen über Container und Cloud bis hin zu serverlosen Architekturen. Seit zwei Jahren bei Digital.ai hilft er großen Unternehmen, ihre Ziele der digitalen Transformation durch Value Stream Management schneller zu erreichen.. 

Matthias Zieger
16:15 - 17:15
Vortrag: Di 3.3
Themen: Security

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