Die im Konferenzprogramm der OOP 2022 Digital angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).
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Diversity in organizations can be a challenge or a wealth of potential. You choose - but how? In this session we'll offer you solid perspectives, concrete tools and examples, so you will be better enabled, how to foster deep, also challenging, but definitely fruitful collaboration across your organization.
Target Audience: Managers, HR Leads, Change Agents, Coaches
Prerequisites: Interest in Leadership, Collaboration, Organizational Change
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract
Exponential change, globalization, an increase in interdependence, complexity has put societies, but also organizations at the edge of known territory. Diversity has become a challenge and requirement at the same time. Leading under such conditions requires a different set of perspectives. Organizations need new skills and tools to overcome these obstacles.
In order to enable the growth of diversity in any organization, it very much helps gain an understanding what makes the system(s) of this organization tick. For meaningful action to happen, whatever your position (formal leader or inspired change agent), you will create a space, where voices (especially marginalized ones) can be heard, get into conversation, so to gain deeper insights and more awareness. This is the soil for new ideas and more effective solutions to overcome the pressing challenges, every organization is confronted with.
This session will provide a solid combination of sound concepts, tools and examples, how to overcome the challenges of a siloed organization, how to overcome domination of single voices, how to overcome unskillful conflict behavior. We will offer the audience concrete and immediately actionable practices, they can use for fostering dialog between small and larger groups in their organizations. Last but not least, they will walk away with a self assessment questionnaire, providing first insight on their own views and behaviors.