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From Practice to Patterns: How to Successfully Drive an Agile Transformation

What have we learnt from the transformations in large companies? And how can that help you improving your chances for success?

The DACH30 group is a workgroup of experienced transformation drivers and coaches from over 30 large companies across different industries. One sub-workgroup has been working on these two questions and we recently published our findings.

In this workshop we will share our transformation experiences and work out with you on patterns, that have proven to be helpful in driving agile transformations successfully.

Target Audience:
Leaders especially on executive level and organizational development coaches
Prerequisites: Experiences in driving an agile transformation in a large organization
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract

As internal Agile Transformation Coaches from large enterprises we have been supporting quite a number of transformations in various contexts. And as members of a workgroup for Business Agility we were asking ourselves „What can we learn from the different company transformations in the different markets and branches with different cultures? Is there anything they have in common?“ We were quite thrilled to identify some principles and helpful insights and learnings based on success and failures which we found applicable to most of the transformations.

To provide inspiration for others, executives and leaders especially, we summarized these principles and learnings in a Transformation Travel Guide for Growing Adaptive Organizations, including a Travel Map, Travel Tips and also some exemplary Travel Routes based on real-life case studies.

In this session we will provide an overview on the Travel Guide and some deeper insights into learnings from two Transformation Journeys. Study.

Our focus is not on scaling Agile working but rather on achieving Agility on an enterprise level. Hence we are not only looking towards Agile but rather at various methods, thinking models, and techniques in order to find the right approach for specific business problems to solve and for developing organizational towards more adaptivity and resilience.

We are a smaller group from the DACH30 Initiative working on ‚Growing Adaptive Organizations’. growing-adaptive-organizations.org

Hendrik Esser is a senior transformation expert, driver and catalyst with more than 20 years of leadership experience at Ericsson. He is also internationally active in communities advancing business agility across industries.
Andrea Maier has been working as an Agile Business Coach at Deutsche Telekom since 2009. She supports executives on their journey towards Business Agility and organizational transformation. Andrea is co-founder of the DACH30 group www.next-level-working.com.
Hendrik Esser, Andrea Maier
09:00 - 10:30
Vortrag: Mi 2.1

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