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Domain-Driven Game Design

After two decades of being a business software developer, a DDD consultant and an Event Storming aficionado, I started to build a game and had no clue how to.
So I modelled the heck out of the game using Event Storming and implemented it using all the DDD patterns, functional and object oriented architecture patterns and even CQRS & Event Sourcing.
Let me show you how much fun it is to build a game, using everything you know about business software and subsequently, how your business software building abilities will improve from building games.

Target Audience: Senior Developers, DDD Enthusiasts, Game Developers, Software Architects
Prerequisites: The will to put the fun back into functioning business software
Level: Advanced

Marco Heimeshoff is a trainer, speaker and software developer from Germany. He organizes KanDDDinsky, a conference about Domain-driven Design and the art of business software and co-founded the german DDD community in 2013 and VirtualDDD.com in 2019. Between consulting companies around the globe and his day job in building health care software, you'll find him speaking at conferences about DDD, socio-technical systems and first principles.
Marco Heimeshoff
18:30 - 20:00
Vortrag: Nmo 3

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