Die im Konferenzprogramm der OOP 2022 Digital angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).
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Chaos engineering, popularised by Netflix, is an approach to building scalable, resilient systems through destructive experiments, but what other impacts does it have? How can adopting chaos engineering change organisational culture? This talk explores the parallels between modern distributed architectures and the unpredictable challenges of the modern world, and how approaches like chaos engineering help organisations deal with both.
We will deep dive into the practices needed to make chaos engineering a success in your organisation and uncover how they help beyond just chaos engineering experiments. We will also explore the nature of complex, socio-technical systems and why new approaches are needed to deal with them.
Target Audience: Anyone in a team or organisation considering adopting chaos engineering
Prerequisites: None
Level: Practicing
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Digitalization has been changing existing industry B2B businesses, digitalization business models arrived and the Digitalization solutions need to be developed to support this. The sudden enforcement of social distancing has given the digital transformation a significant push forward. How do we develop innovative Digitalization offerings in the future? We will show how to seize these opportunities and forge new paths toward the new normal for Software Engineering.
Target Audience: Software Engineers, System and Software Architects, Software Managers
Prerequisites: Knowledge in Software Engineering Practice
Level: Basic
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