YAML seems to be the predominant way to describe our Kubernetes workloads. For each and every microservice we have to declare pods, deployments, services and a lot more. Now multiply this by several environments and deployment variants. The result often is excessive YAML bloat that leads to insufficient dev-prod parity, frustration and low developer productivity. So make sure to join this talk if you want to learn how to continuously deliver quality software and have happy Cloud-native developers on your team again.
Target Audience: Developers, Architects, Tech Leads, SREs
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge and experience with tools and practices of Cloud-native DevOps
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
In this session we will have a closer look at several developer focused tools like Buildpacks, Helm, Kustomize, Skaffold and Tilt. These tools aim to improve and optimize the inner development loop by reducing the amount of YAML and the required steps from source to deployment significantly.
Mario-Leander Reimer ist passionierter Entwickler, stolzer Vater und #CloudNativeNerd. Er arbeitet als Principal Software Architect bei der QAware GmbH und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit den Innovationen und Technologien rund um den Cloud Native Stack und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Unternehmensumfeld. Außerdem unterrichtet er Software-Qualitätssicherung an der TH Rosenheim.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/Mario_Leander_Reimer
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