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The Benefits of Nostalgia - Theoretical and Applied Perspectives

Looking back, especially now, makes us sad, but Linda will share scientific evidence that remembering the past provides measurable benefits. She'll outline the science and help us remember some of the "good old days" and then we'll all feel better.

Target Audience: Anyone
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
Many of us experience nostalgia as a bittersweet emotion. It combines the memory of good times with the ache of loss. You might think that people who are more nostalgic are more prone to sadness and depression. But research shows that nostalgic reflection makes us more optimistic. It reaffirms our social connections. And by remembering important things about the past, it lays out a vision for a hopeful future. To demonstrate this, Linda will take us back to the "good old days" and through her remembrances, lead us all to a better place. This will, hopefully, demonstrate how nostalgia gives us renewed appreciation for the people and places that constitute our lives.

Linda Rising is an independent consultant who lives near Nashville, Tennessee. Linda has a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in object-based design metrics. Her background includes university teaching as well as work in telecommunications, avionics, and tactical weapons systems. She is an internationally known presenter on topics related to agile development, patterns, retrospectives, the change process, and the connection between the latest neuroscience and software development. Linda is the author of numerous articles and five books. Her web site is: lindarising.org
Linda Rising
14:30 - 15:30
Vortrag: Mi 5.3

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