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Software Development Culture and Practice of the Future

My hope for the future of software development; We learn that we are responsible for so many big and small impacts to society and that we have to take that seriously. We learn that even if software processes are described in great detail, we should not stop questioning whether we are still doing the right thing, the right way. We can bring our whole self to work. But most of all we learn that continuous integration is something you must have, continuous delivery is very nice to have, and continuous deployment is but a lovely dream for most.

Target Audience: Software developers, agile coaches, managers, leaders, and anyone married to a software developer
Prerequisites: Experiences in agile software development
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
I have been in software development for 22 years, and I have seen trends come and go like the fascinations of a teenager. I have taught RUP and years later, I have laughed at RUP. On the other hand, I have laughed at Artificial Intelligence, but some years later, AI laughed at me.

This talk will describe how I think the future of software development will look if we reflect now and learn from the past. Learn to bring your whole self to work, and accept that others do the same. Learn that even if software processes can be described in great detail you should not stop questioning whether you are still doing the right thing in the right way. Learn that we are responsible for so many big and small impacts to society and that we have to take that seriously. But most of all learn that continuous integration is something you must have, continuous delivery is very nice to have, and continuous deployment is a lovely dream for most people.

In summary, I will borrow words from Dr Emmett Brown: “Roads? Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads.” Developers will fly over the roadmaps and stage-gate systems and do exactly, no more, no less, what is needed to build wonderful software systems and to stay sane and human in our field.

Aino Corry is a teacher, a technical conference editor and retrospectives facilitator. She holds a masters degree and a ph.d. in computer science. She has 12 years of experience with Patterns in Software Development, and 13 years of experience in facilitating retrospectives. She also teaches how to teach Computer Science to teachers, and thus lives up to the name of her company; Metadeveloper. In her spare time, she runs and sings (but not at the same time).
Aino Vonge Corry
11:00 - 11:45
Vortrag: Mi 5.2

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