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Game Facilitation Primer

Tired of running workshops without gamification? Want to move from pure content to engagement? Want to use agile games and don't know how? And maybe most important: How to do that remote/online?

Gamification is the hot topic. Everyone talks about it. Unfortunately nobody knows what games to pick and how to facilitate them. Getting started in this field of highly valuable agile games for workshop facilitation is not easy.

We give you everything you need to design engaging online and offline workshops.

Target Audience: Scrum Master, Agile Coaches, HR, Change Agents, Managers
Prerequisites: None. We'll introduce the topic
Level: Basic

Extended Abstract:
The participants will get a clear image where to go next in gamifying their workshops, trainings, conference sessions. For that we give the participants everything they need to design engaging online and offline events.

The session involves the participants through several interactive activities.

We answer the question how and when to include games. And how to reach learning objectives by guiding the participants through our own Agile Game Mapping.

We show how to prepare for such workshops. With the Agile Game Toolboxes for both online and offline events, participants will take away immediately usable ideas for their working environment. We bring lots of real-world examples “to go”, i.e. physical games to play in offline events, as well as many game designs to be used remotely. Our session will close with answering as many questions as possible.

Since selling his first software at the age of 17 Dennis Wagner is all about developing.
In such different roles like software architect, team lead, developer or product manager he has searched for and travelled on different paths to successfully develop software better.
Being open, curious, surely extrovert and agilist by heart since he first discovered XP and Scrum more than a decade ago.
Today he is helping teams and organisations of all sizes as coach to identify and live up to their potential.

Marc Bless ist seit vielen Jahren Agile Coach, Autor, Entwickler und Führungskraft. Als lösungsfokussierter Coach und Certified Enterprise Coach hilft er Organisationen auf ihrem Weg zur Business Agility.

Dennis Wagner, Marc Bless
09:00 - 10:30
Vortrag: Do 4.1
Themen: Agility

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