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Collaborative Modeling with Domain Experts Using Domain-Specific Languages

Languages that raise the level of abstraction closer to the problem domain help improve quality and productivity. This can be best achieved when the language is directly based on the problem domain, not implementation concepts or existing languages. We describe how to create domain-specific languages in tight collaboration with domain expert users: as soon as a language concept is defined it can be immediately applied by users. We demonstrate this with examples from various fields, such as automotive, home electronics and automation systems.

Target Audience: Developers, subject matter/domain experts, managers
Prerequisites: experiences on applying some modeling language
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
This talk is based on industry experiences on applying domain terminology directly in a modeling language (in its grammar). This way domain experts can apply familiar terminology, and map the specifications directly to code, to other more technical models, or the same set of models are shared by both domain experts and developers. The talk starts with a practical example how domain experts from different fields can collaboratively edit the same specifications each having own background (industry process, software, hardware, communication). Next the talk describes guidelines how such languages can be created: how domain terminology is defined into a language and how such language can be applied. These guidelines are demonstrated with examples from practice, such as how functional safety engineers can collaborate using ISO26262 (functional safety standard) terminology and related them to the technical system development; and how UX and UI persons can define user interfaces and their behavior in a manner allowing developers to join and work with the same models. The talk is concluded with guidelines and hints backed by industry cases from companies like Panasonic and Elektrobit.

Juha-Pekka Tolvanen works for MetaCase. He has been involved in domain-specific languages and tools since 1991 and acted as a consultant world-wide on their use. Juha-Pekka has co-authored a book (Domain-Specific Modeling, Wiley 2008) and over 100 articles in software development magazines and conferences. Juha-Pekka holds a Ph.D. in computer science.

Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
09:00 - 10:30
Vortrag: Mi 3.1

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